The majority of those who read this currently have a fairly predictable way of life. You have a regular place that you sleep every night, and a job that takes up most of your time during the day. You have a family that you come home to, friends you make time for, and assuredly you have some form of recreation with which you reward yourself at the end of a hard day’s work. You may love your job, you may hate your job. You may look forward to coming home from work, you may look forward to leaving for work the next day. We all have unique lifestyles and unique interests. But we all just want to make a life for ourselves and get some sort of satisfaction out of the way we spend our days.
Last Wednesday, I embarked upon a new season of life which I believe will propel me into greater realms of this satisfaction we are all craving. And the first step I took is I became homeless.
That’s right. I packed a bag (yes, only one) and I hitched a ride out of Indiana with Tim and Lynn Tuggle (if you haven’t watched their video yet, do that here so that this can all make better sense).
In the last week I have slept in five different towns, three different states, and have set a personal record for new people met, which I’m sure will be quickly broken. From one day to the next I don’t know where I will be or who I’ll meet. I don’t know where my next meal is coming from or who exactly will pay for it.
Some will think this sounds exhilarating, and some will think it sounds horribly difficult. And I can assure you it is neither and it is also both.
Tim and Lynn completed their cross-country journey this past May and are currently continuing their ministry in a travel trailer given to them by God’s gracious provision. I will be traveling with them over the next several months.
This post is so difficult to write because of the overwhelming things God is teaching me in only five days on the road, but the starting place for me is this–humility and discipline. There is much that our padded lifestyles are keeping us from in His Kingdom. And only when I am stripped away of my comforts am I beginning to see a clearer vision of who He really is for me, and what He’s making me into.
We inherently resist discomfort and we inherently resist pain. Yet our comfortable lifestyles of padded cushions and television shows are hardly accomplishing the innate need within us for adventure, passion, and abundant living. We have settled for lives of resistance against suffering and have yet to go all the way to passionate fullness.
So this post is for you. Maybe you won’t be quitting your job to set off across country on horseback. But what brave thing can you do today to clear away some of what’s separating you from greater fullness? This fullness isn’t found in most of the places that we have been subconsciously expecting to find it. It transcends our circumstances and elevates us to a higher reality.
These last five days I have felt the fingertips of God pressing in all over my life. They are pushing in and shifting and it’s not warm and fuzzy. But there is a discipline of silence that humbles me in the process of the Potter molding His clay.
“Shall the clay say to Him who forms it, ‘What are You making?'” Isaiah 45:9
May I be ever silent as He has His way with me, knowing that the outcome of this “is working for me a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” than any earthly comfort could produce for me (2 Corinthians 4:17).
Yes. Creature comforts CAN hold us back. But don’t be misled; forsaking them does not always eliminate the noise. The real challenge is learning to live among them, not for them.
Oh I definitely agree. There is nothing inherently wrong with comfort or being comfortable. But there’s an undeniable pattern in the American church of idolizing comfort above the Comforter, and it’s for this very reason that Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell everything that he had and follow Him. He wasn’t condemning riches, but rather He saw something in that man’s heart that was keeping him from complete oneness with Him. And it’s only when we move those things (whatever they may be) out of the way that we can begin to see Him more clearly.